The funeral feast was finished. A grave-digger complains, fiercely gripping an old wine bottle by the neck. A simple cadger comes in and looks inside a grave recently made.
THE CADGER - Oy, what are you doin'?
GRAVE-DIGGER - Are you what, retarded? T'is my job! I'm working!
THE CADGER - Nice job you've got, pal. And an even better wine in yo hand. Gimme a sip, don't be no selfish. (Grabs the bottle and takes a sip)
GRAVE-DIGGER - The hell with you! Gimme back, you indigent! Don't you have nowhere to go? (stretches the arm to get the wine back, drinks half the bottle)
THE CADGER - Watch your manners, deadlover! Don't ye know I've seen you making out with that lady's corpse, you sick! Do you want me to spread the news around?
GRAVE-DIGGER - What! Are you insane, beggar!? Shut your damn mouth and don't you dare say anything!
THE CADGER - Alright, alright... just gimme this, this bottle.
(The grave-digger unwillingly gives the bottle, half empty, to the cadger. He starts crying)
THE CADGER - Ho, for God's sake, stop crying! Look... I was just kidding. (drinks the wine)
GRAVE-DIGGER - Don't you try to look so special, dammit! Nobody knows loneliness better than I do. Living with all those dead bodies, how can I say... makes you feel somethin' for them, ya'know. That's not somethin' that may be explained.
THE CADGER - Yep. I don't understand. (takes another gulp)
GRAVE-DIGGER - Just look at that tomb with a wingless angel over there. That's where Mr. Buckhead is buried. He was good guy. There are always lots of flowers growing over... maybe they feed upon his goodness. And the Stompmock family tombs near the fence, do you see? The damned tykes like to come over and shit it damp. The Mockies were never the kind of people who gave a damn about others, wasn't it? That's what I think...
THE CADGER - I see... it doesn't elucidate a lot of questions... (the bottle is almost empty)
GRAVE-DIGGER - You know you're going to hell, don't ya? (stares at the cadger)
THE CADGER - Fuck hell... there is no hell. This life is enough hell, thank you very much. (looks inside the bottle in the hopes of finding a last drop of wine)
GRAVE-DIGGER - Hiahiahia, don't be a fool! I'm sick of hearing that! No, you DON'T know what hell means... but once you die, you'll see it with your own eyes, or whatever you'll have to see.
THE CADGER - (breaks the bottle at a tombstone) Fuck hell!
GRAVE-DIGGER - Anyway... When you live a long time in a place like this, ya'know... they're my family now. Death is not the end, ya'know that right?
THE CADGER - (searching for another drink) Yep. How could I deny? I just didn't know pieces of rotten lady parts would be so sexy.
GRAVE-DIGGER - You shut up! Missess Buckhead was as good as new! It'd be such a waste...
THE CADGER - You're lying.
GRAVE-DIGGER - No, I'm not.
THE CADGER - Yes, you are.
THE CADGER - Tell me the truth, before God's Eyes and all the holy angels'.
GRAVE-DIGGER - I'm telling the truth.
GRAVE-DIGGER - Fuck you.
THE CADGER - Bastard.
GRAVE-DIGGER - Where did'ya find that bottle?
THE CADGER - Over there.
THE CADGER - Love isn't it?
GRAVE-DIGGER - What the hell are you saying!?
THE CADGER - Love after death.
GRAVE-DIGGER - (in silence)
THE CADGER - Haha. (drinks the wine)
GRAVE-DIGGER - She seemed so, so gentle, so beautiful. I couldn't resist... Even though there's nothing inside someone's corpse. They say there's a soul, but how come, if no one can prove it!? Bullshit. What I think, and that's what I really think, is that we humans have de ability to give some of our feelings to anything or anyone who may live with us. Then, when it or he or she passes away, we keep the good and hard times in our memories, and it echoes into space, just like sound. There are many feelings that may grow on to create life or whatever. All this flesh we are is disgusting, be it alive or not... just like a prison. Awful.
THE CADGER - That's not my problem, after all... You need to get some sleep, you've been drinking too much. (drinks the last drop of wine)
GRAVE-DIGGER - You're the one who drunk all of my wine, you jerk!
THE CADGER - Yeh, yeh... stop yelling and go back to your grave. Harder work is about to come, war is raging outside.
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